Added event on builder to allow integrations to run trigger events when course elements are saved
Added general redirect method llms_redirect_and_exit() which is a wrapper for wp_redirect() and wp_safe_redirect() which can be plugged (and tested via phpunit)
Added new action called before validation occurs for a user account update form submission: llms_before_user_account_update_submit
Removed placeholders from form fields. Fixes a UX issue causing registration forms to appear cluttered due to having both placeholders and labels.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue allowing nonce checks to be bypassed on login and registration forms
Fixed issue causing a PHP notice if the registration form is submitted without an email address and automatic username generation is enabled
Fixed issue preventing email addresses with the “‘” character from being able to register, login, or update account information
Fixed typo in automatic username generation filter lifterlms_generated_username (previously was lifterlms_gnerated_username)
Fixed issue causing admin panel static assets to have a double slash (//) in the assest URI path
FIxed issue allowing users with view_lifterlms_reports capability (Instructors) to access sales & enrollment reporting screens. The view_others_lifterlms_reports capability (Admins & LMS Managers) is now required to view these reporting tabs.
Updated IDs of login and registration nonces to be unique. Fixes an issue causing Chrome to throw non-unique ID warnings in the developer console. Also, IDs are supposed to be unique anyway but thanks for helping us out Google.