Actually update capabilities required to access theme options. Fixes issue causing theme options to be inaccessible when DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT is defined.
Fixed an issue preventing task deletion for a task that was added to an unsaved assignment
Fixed issue requiring permalinks to be manually flushed after plugin installation
Fixed an issue preventing the assignments managements sidebar on the course builder to load when adding an assignment to a course created prior to installing assignments
Fixed an issue preventing the course builder from loading when the course was affected by the above issue
Fixed an issue preventing assignment templates from being overwritten from themes/child themes
The course builder will now load quiz question data when the quiz is opened instead of loading all quizzes on builder page load. Improves builder load times and addresses an issue which could cause timeouts in certain environments when attempting to edit very large courses.
The currently viewed lesson will now be bold in the lesson outline widget.
Added a CSS class .llms-widget-syllabus .llms-lesson.current-lesson which can be used to customize the display of the current lesson in the widget.
Added the ability to filter quiz attempt reports by quiz status
Updated language for access plans on with a limited number of payments to reflect the total number of payments due as opposed to the length (for example in years) that the plan will run.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue preventing oEmbed media from being used in quiz question descriptions
Fixed issue preventing <iframes> from being used in quiz question descriptions
Quiz results will now exclude questions with 0 points value when displaying the number of questions in the quiz.
Fixed error occurring when sorting was applied to quiz attempt reports which would cause quiz attempts from other quizzes to be included in the new sorted report
Fixed filter lifterlms_reviews_section_title which was unuseable due to the incorrect usage of _e() within the filter. Now using __() as expected.
Fixed issue causing course featured image to display in place of lesson feature images
When adding or changing API keys, test calls will be made to check if the keys are functional. If they are not a warning will be displayed.
Fixed issue preventing cached tags and sequences from being cleared by the button on the integration settings
Deprecated LLMS_ConvertKit_Api->clear_cache(), use $skip_cache when calling api class methods to bypass cached results. This function should no longer be used by third party integrations, custom plugins, or themes as it will be removed in the next major version.