Wistia: Add option to enable/disable the video player’s “playbar” (progress bar, scrubbing, and timestamp review).
Bug Fixes
Fix issue causing the lesson progression button from being disabled for videos that don’t explicitly have video completion progression requirements enabled.
Wistia: Ensure that all oEmbed fetches always fetch the supported iframe embed type.
Wistia: Automatically remove videoFoam from embeds.
Wistia: Set default theme color option value to match the documented default theme color.
Add filter: llms_user_caps_edit_others_posts_post_types to allow 3rd parties to utilize core methods for determining if a user can manage another users LMS content on the admin panel.
Added new LLMS_Membership class methods: get_categories(), get_tags() and toArrayAfter() methods. Thanks @pondermatic!
Fixed access plan description conflicts with the Classic Editor block. This also resolves compatibility issues with Elementor which uses a hidden TinyMCE instance.
Changed pre_get_posts callback from 10 (default) to 15. Fixes conflict with Divi (and possibly other themes) which prevented LifterLMS catalog settings from functioning properly.
Added translation to error message encountered when non-members attempt to purchase a members-only access plan. Thanks @mrosati84!
Fix return of LLMS_Generator::set_generator().
Fixed a typo causing invalid imports from returning the expected error. Thanks @pondermatic!
Fixed issue preventing membership post type settings from saving properly due to incorrect sanitization filters.
Fixed issue where wp_list_pluck() would run on non arrays.
LifterLMS Rest API 1.0.0-beta.8
Return links to those taxonomies which have an accessible rest route.
Initialize $prepared_item array before adding values to it. Thanks @pondermatic!
Fixed sales_page_type not returned as none if course’s sales_page_content_type property is empty.
Load webhook actions a little bit later, to avoid PHP warnings on first plugin activation.
Renamed sales_page_page_type and sales_page_page_url properties, respectively to sales_page_type and sales_page_url according to the specs.
Add missing quotes in enrollment/access default messages shortcodes.
Call set_bulk() llms post method passing true as second parameter, so to instruct it to return a WP_Error on failure.
Add missing quotes in enrollment/access default messages shortcodes.
sales_page_page_id and sales_page_url always returned in edit context.
Call set_bulk() llms post method passing true as second parameter, so to instruct it to return a WP_Error on failure.