Added the ability for site administrators to delete (completely remove) enrollment records from the database.
Catalogs sorted by Order (menu_order) now have an additional sort (by post title) to improve ordering consistency for items with the same order, thanks @pondermatic!
Hooks in the dashboard order review template now pass the LLMS_Order.
LifterLMS Blocks
Updated to version 1.5.1
All blocks are now registered only for post types where they can actually be used.
Only register block visibility settings on static blocks. Fixes an issue causing core (or 3rd party) dynamic blocks from being managed within the block editor.
Bug Fixes
If an enrolled student accesses checkout for a course/membership they’re already enrolled in they will be shown a message stating as much.
Removed a redundant check for the existence of an order on the dashboard order review template.
When an order is deleted, student enrollment records for that order will be removed. This fixes an issue causing admins to not be able to manage the enrollment status of a student enrolled via a deleted order.
Fix issue causing errors when using the [lifterlms_lesson_mark_complete] shortcode on course post types.
Fixed an issue causing quiz questions to generate publicly accessible permalinks which could be indexed by search engines.
Only register block visibility settings on static blocks. Fixes an issue causing core (or 3rd party) dynamic blocks from being managed within the block editor.