Fixed incorrect HTML code for single Add On displayed on the LifterLMS > Add-ons & more screen.
Developer Notes
Added new paramater $force, false by default, to the static method LLMS_Helper_Keys::activate_keys(). It’ll allow to force a remote call instead of using ccached results.
Performance Improvements
Cache results from the activate keys calls to the LifterLMS license API. This prevents issues where sites are pinging the license server too often, specifically if they are “cloned” sites.
Fixed a fatal error encountered on the payment confirmation screen when attempting to confirm a non-existent order. #2093
Use sanitize_file_name() in favor of sanitize_title() for generating the file name of reporting table export files. #1540
Resolved conflict encountered on post edit screens when using LifterLMS, Yoast SEO, and the Classic Editor plugin. #2298
Developer Notes
A stub method, get_title() has been added to the LLMS_Abstract_Exportable_Admin_Table abstract class. This method should be defined by any extending classes and will throw a _doing_it_wrong() error when undefined.
Added new filter to allow customizing which user roles are affected by the LLMS_Admin_Menus::instructor_menu_hack function.